Periodical Reject Separator

Periodical reject separator PSN belongs to a family of secondary pressure pulpers. The machine is designed particularly for separation of undesired impurities, such as foils, plastic particles, leathers, rubber pieces, rags, woods, etc. from continuous pulpers of waste paper (vertical or horizontal). The separation itself is achieved directly during pulping. Periodical reject separator can run both in permanent or intermittent operation according to the volume processed and grade of impurities contained in the waste paper. While running, the remaining residues of hardly pulpable materials are being deflaked and washed with the goal to reduce fibre loss to a minimum.


Machines are based on a similar design. Particular types differ:

  • PSN-30 – design with bottom reject branch and flat screen ∅ 600 mm
  • PSN-31 – design with top and bottom reject branch and flat screen ∅ 600 mm
  • PSN-40 – design with bottom reject branch and cone-type screen ∅ 800 mm
  • Input, reject, output, heavy impurities separator slide valve (OTN)
  • Pneumatically controlled flap valve of diluting water
  • Pneumatic distribution block and control system
Main parts
  • Input section of working chamber (1)
  • Working chamber (2)
  • Output chamber (3) with sealing plug
  • Functional elements: sorting screen (4)
  • Wiped by working and pumping rotor (5)
  • Machinery bedding (6)
  • Stand (7)
  • V-belt drive with a cover (8)
  • Electric motor (9)
  • All parts coming in contact with the stock (working chamber, output chamber) are made of stainless steel
  • Other machine parts are made of structural steel with polyurethane coating

Machine design and work safety are in compliance with the EU standards and EAC.

Technical parameters
InputD1DN 300DN 300DN 300
OutputD2DN 150DN 150DN 200
RejectD3DN 300DN 300DN 400
Heavy impurities separator (OTN)D4-DN 250-
Diluting water diameterD5DN 100DN 100DN 150
Machinery length (X)mm2 1602 1602 860
Machinery height (Y)mm1 3001 3001 880
Machinery width (Z)mm1 9401 9402 600
Capacity*)tpd40 - 7040 - 7080 - 150
Electric motor outputkW555590
Machinery output incl. drivekg1 9001 9003 300
  • Possible utilisation for diverse pulpers
  • High separating capacity and reliability in service
  • Easy operation
  • Rugged structure and high-grade materials providing long service life
  • Clear washed reject going out of the system with minimum fibre loss
  • Automatically controlled operating mode


  • Category

    Cultural / Industrial
  • Length

    4 feet
  • Width

    12 feet
  • Height

    10 feet
  • Weight

    580 kg
  • Space Require

    14 sq. feet

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